While you are planning your activities, be sure to listen to the local radio station to hear the current things going on
High bluff coastal Hiking Trail. Just across the street

https://www.floridastateparks.org/wakullasprings is a neat day trip. Be sure to take the boat trip. Bring your swimsuit and camera.
This is a spectacular location for wildlife viewing. Bald eagles frequently soar overhead. Dolphins play in the water. But even the original paradise had serpents and we have our share of beasts too, so you need to be just a little bit more aware of the environment than you are used to. Be aware that there are several varieties of poisonous snakes in the woods and grasses. There are bears in the state park and they sometime roam the beach or troll the trash cans. There are stingrays and jellyfish in the sea. Those ant-hills are built by fire ants and they will bite a lot.
The fishing is amazing in the area. Be sure to get a fishing license. Coral is illegal to possess as are live shells. Please don’t clean fish on the deck. Near the faucet, the deck drains onto the ceiling of the garage. If you clean fish on the deck, the discarded bits may become trapped just below the deck floor making a stinky mess that will be expensive to clean.
The Sea
You may walk freely anywhere below the mean high tide line. Basically, that means the WET beach. Above the mean high tide line is private property. Most people don’t mind if you walk in their sand a little, but it isn’t your RIGHT; please be respectful.
The rust color that you see in the sea is not red tide. It is naturally occurring minerals and organics that wash out of the state park during heavy rains and is not harmful. In fact, it feeds the sea creatures and results in increase in birds and better fishing. You can see the deep red color in the nearby creeks when you walk the beach.
Beach erosion is always a serious problem and must be managed carefully. The sand dune and the sea oats that grow around it are important to maintaining a sandy beach. Please don’t play on the dunes and stay out of the sea oats bordering the dunes. Don’t disturb the bits of fence and rocks that you find there; the purpose of the fence is to slow the wind and trap sand.
WARNING – When the tide is going out, there is a strong offshore current that will pull you out through the gap between SGI and Dog Island. Do not go past the sandbars when the tide is going out. If a member of your party is in the deep water and seems to be struggling to get back to shore, call 911 right away. Wear a lifejacket.
No fires on the deck. No campfires on the property. People have gotten seriously burned by embers buried in the sand. Sparks landing in the forest can cause an inferno quickly. …so there is a big legal liability / insurance issue. If you do make a fire on the beach anyway, all adult occupants accept responsibility for the fire. Make a fire ring out of rocks. Set up near the water. Keep it small. Bring a fire bucket. Put it out with water until cold when you are through. Clean it up. Bury the ashes. Leave no trace.
All the neighbors are very friendly. Most of the houses in the neighborhood are rented out occasionally, but a few are full-time residents. The old log cabin to the west was heavily damaged by hurricane Michael but is being restored. It’s interesting to look at, but not a tourist attraction; please respect their privacy. The tumbled down house to the east and it’s retaining walls are dangerous, stay away. The lot and RV just to the west is owned by a local couple who visit frequently.