Another Million Dollar Sunrise

What would you rather have? A million dollars or this sunrise every day?
Who made that noise?
We had a visitor last night. Who’s there?

One of the wildlife features of this area are black bears. This one was just a baby. In October, they like to pack on the pounds for their winter hibernation, so they will sometimes get a little braver. He is looking for the trash cans. He found them later. Too bad, they were empty — no lunch here.

Return to Paradise
We have returned to work on maintenance items at Paradise by the Sea. The beach is a little different, cleaned up and smoothed out by Tropical Storm Nestor. Mostly thing are in good shape, but we will have a lot of maintenance jobs to get things ready for next summer.
Here is a big Thank You to all our guests this year. It was a good year for us. We were pretty much booked from March to September. Not many problems this year at all; a few broken thing, but stuff happens. Some of you left some gifts, thanks for that. In the end, we even made a few bucks.
Thanks to all the folks that helped hold the place together this year. Karen Smith, Kim Wallace, Gary Mathis and Glenn Ruzzi did a great job.
Our Place in the Universe
Sunrise is usually spectacular here. Don’t start your breakfast before the sun is ready to release its grip on you — I burn the bacon every time I get complacent. Continue reading “Sunrise”
Photo Gallery – our house
- Click below for a gallery of pictures inside and out. Then check out the video walk through on the top menu above to get a guided tour through the house.
Photo Gallery – night sky
I love night photography. Because we are so far from civilization here, the sky on a moonless night is VERY dark. The stars will dazzle you. To reproduce the photos shown here you probably need more than a smart phone. You need a camera that will allow you to set time exposures and a tripod. Most of the night pictures here were taken with a Cannon Rebel T2i with 30s exposure and the stock lens.